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History of Ethereum according to Charles Hoskinson Founder Cardano #CryptoICOSummit

Charles Hoskinson, CEO & Founder of Input Output & Cardano (ADA) and Co-founder Ethereum, is at the Crypto ICO Summit in Zurich and I talk with him about the history of Ethereum.

Charles was a mathematician and was fascinated by the crypto technology and cyperphunk culture. He then created the Bitcoin Education Project where he taught about Bitcoin, monetary policies etc. This got him to meet great people like Andreas Antonopoulos, Adam Levine and Jon Matonis. He then created Bitshares, of which the idea came from consulting his students on how to make the crypto technology invincible. By creating a stable coin and a decentralized exchange you don't need banks anymore. However, he experienced that building a crypto currency is very hard since it is really difficult to change certain made decisions or add multiple functionalities. This need for a programming language connected to a blockchain led to the birth of Ethereum!

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