TOP 5 Trading Strategies that WORK in 2021 with PROOF - Forex Day Trading
I have tested many different trading strategies 100 times on the Trading Rush Channel, some of them made a lot of money and gave very high win rates, and some of them lost. I even made a top 5 strategies that actually work video, but since then, we have tested more trading strategies 100 times, and some of them were way better than the strategies mentioned in the last video. So in this video we are going to see the top 5 trading strategies that actually work in 2021. Furthermore, the TR Score is available for almost all strategies tested on the Trading Rush Channel, because the strategy with the highest win rate is not always good for you.
If we visit the Trading Rush Website and click on the TR score, you will find strategies that I have tested rated not just by Win Rate, but also by How easy to use it is, its reliability, consistent profits, and quality. Now last time when I did a video like this, I rated strategies by their win rate. that's not a problem after all we are looking for strategies that win more than they lose. But some strategies like the Bollinger Bands we tested on this channel, can be very difficult to trade with for a beginner trader, compared to something like the super trend indicator. That's where the Trading Rush Score comes into play. You can come to the Trading Rush Website, and find the best trading strategy, that has a high win rate, that is so easy to use that even your dog can use it, it is reliable, is consistent, and gives high quality trades.